conference of branches

Sophia Wood
May 1, 2023


we have this moment

in which the last light passes

just beyond our reach

top half of a tree with the moon showing through it’s branches. It is just starting to bud

we have this moment

in which we breathe deeply in

the last rays of day

top branch of a tree reaching toward the moon showing — It is just starting to bud

we have this moment

in which we reach — in stillness

and feel everything

a zoomed out image of both trees from above with the moon between them with their lower portions in shadow and top branches in light.

we have this moment

in which limbs meet sky — in a

conference of branches

Images taken in Salem, Oregon on 4/29/23.



Sophia Wood

Math obsessed perpetual asker of why. Creator of poetry, code, math, and art. find me at or Salem, OR