from beneath

Sophia Wood
2 min readJun 30, 2024


a coded poem

//poem is in the comments (they describe the code as well)

let air; //there is this substance
let radiance = 3; //that drifts towards a light
let nBubbles = 1000; //encapsulated
function setup() {
c = max(800, min(windowWidth, windowHeight)) * 0.9; //in which you witness
createCanvas(c, c); //through your senses
background(0); //from nothing
ctr = createVector(
random(-width / 5, width / 5),
random(-height / 5, -height / 3)
); //to a single point
hues = {
r1: random(0, 50),
g1: random(100, 150),
b1: random(140, 200)
}; //it is from the depths
noStroke(); //without definition
air = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nBubbles; i++) {
air.push(new Air());
} //you can see what catches the light

function draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2); //your position
t = frameCount; //in time
push(); //is relative
rotate(-t / 2000); //to the rotation of everything
for (let i = c * 2.5; i > 0; i -= 4) {
//that is focused - here
hues.r1 + 180 - i / radiance,
hues.g1 + 180 - i / radiance,
hues.b1 + 180 - i / radiance,
circle(ctr.x, ctr.y, i);
for (let i = 0; i < air.length; i++) {
air[i].move(); //change
air[i].display(); //is what makes you aware of life
//here you are - now you are - from beneath

class Air {...}

//just the comments:

//there is this substance
//that drifts towards a light
//in which you witness
//through your senses
//from nothing
//to a single point
//it is from the depths
//without definition
//you can see what catches the light

//your position
//in time
//is relative
//to the rotation of everything
//that is focused - here
//is what makes you aware of life
//here you are - now you are - from beneath



Sophia Wood

Math obsessed perpetual asker of why. Creator of poetry, code, math, and art. find me at or Salem, OR