in this little pond
This is the twentieth set of haiku from my daily practice started on January 1st, 2021. I publish a new set every 19 days. Enjoy! The set for 2021 are here (friend’s links).

you anticipate
that your trail will not be full
of water and ducks

there you are, my hawk
contemplating reflection
in this little pond

your path can be framed
with the steel beams of your thoughts
to bridge within you

some windows are but
fractals into more windows
iterated views

I glanced at you — there
an impetus for your flight
to gossip of this

oh, how you long to
break free from these tangled limbs
to be swept by wind

generative art
in the cracks beneath my feet
ever evolving

a forest of ferns
upon a forest by sea
modest are the trees

sitka my sitka
shelter me with your branches
as I lean to you

when you miss the moon
just keep going — it is but
a sign on your way

the elk must have left
just before this headland warmed
with the morning’s grace

bubbles have been packed
on the surface of the depths
of my consciousness

you harbor beauty
in your layers as they fall
off of you in age

an aperture formed
to manifest silver clouds
at the lowest point

somehow blooms do form
from life that I did not know
was so capable

it’s best not to see
too far ahead of your path
look at what’s in reach

the currents of geese
flow through the ocean of sky
bringing waves of north

just for a moment
I thought you might sit with me
and talk of the birds

get ready for night
to journey beneath the stars
unconstrained by thought