where I live

Sophia Wood
2 min readApr 3, 2023


A coded poem

let me; //where do any of us really exist?
function setup() {
angleMode(DEGREES); //in what base or modular space do we breathe? think?
background(0); //we come from nothing to something
createCanvas((550 * me.width) / me.height, 550); //in what universe does this canvas of time get painted
function draw() {
t = (frameCount / 5) % 360; //how many breaths mod 360 do we have?
background(20, 20, 20, 2); //a gesso unique to each of us
noStroke(); //I paint without pen in this place
for (let i = 1; i < 30000; i += 10) {
//and only in daily loops do I become defined.
fill(random(20, 100)); //pixels of self
x = width / 2 + 10 + sqrt(i * 4) * sin(t * 10 + i / 2 + random(5)); //placed on a horizon
y = width / 3 + 20 + sqrt(i * 4) * cos(t * 10 + i / 2 + random(5)); //placed up and down — and within
pix = color(me.get(me.width / (width / x), me.height / (height / y))); //do we all have a negative in which to derive from?
pix.setAlpha(random(150)); //to let light pass through us
fill(pix); //and yet fill this vessel
circle(x, y, random(0, 5 + 5 * sin(t))); //where I live
function preload() {
me = loadImage(“https://assets.codepen.io/4559259/FullSizeRender+3.jpg");

This is a prompt from the birb’s nest #wccchallenge.



Sophia Wood
Sophia Wood

Written by Sophia Wood

Math obsessed perpetual asker of why. Creator of poetry, code, math, and art. find me at https://fractalkitty.com/ or https://linktr.ee/fractalkitty. Salem, OR

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